Mybeerbuzz .com Highlights Magic Hat Triple Chair

Mybeerbuzz .com Highlights Magic Hat Triple ChairIf you’re familiar with skiing at all, and especially if you’ve spent as much time skiing in Vermont as I have, you’re familiar with the term “triple chair.”  It’s a ski lift that works really well if you’re skiing with a bunch of friends, especially if you’re in multiples of 2 or 3.  If you’re a beer lover (also like me), you may be familiar with a beer of the same name, but different spelling.
Today we’re highlighting Tripel Chair from Magic Hat Brewing in South Burlington, VT…and yes while the ski season may be winding down elsewhere for spring, the Vermont ski season is still in high gear.  And much like good spring skiing, I’m excited to get my hands on this beer.Mybeerbuzz .com Highlights Magic Hat Triple Chair
Tripel Chair is a small-batch Vermont-only release from Magic Hat and it celebrates one of my favorite styles of beer…the Belgian-style tripel.  The beer pours a slightly hazy golden yellow with a creamy soft head.  The aromas lead with some bright citrus notes followed by a subtle spice.  The flavors begin with the classic Belgian yeast esters with just the right amount of peppery spice.  You can’t miss the lemon and citrus flavors on board and just a bit of booziness at the end.  This Belgian-yeast version of Magic Hat Single Chair slides in at 9.1%-AbV and 20 IBU so be sure to share it with a friend (and don’t ski any double-diamonds when you’re done).  The complexity and lemon flavors do soften as the beer warms, but the classic Belgian tripel yeast flavors remained prominent (this is a very good thing).
Be sure to try Magic Hat Tripel Chair for yourself and get in some late spring skiing.  I think you’ll find it as flavorful and complex as we did…and when you do try it, be sure to let us know what YOU think.

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