Lost Abbey Number Of The Beast Returns In 375ml Bottles

Lost Abbey Number Of The Beast Returns In 375ml Bottles

Today we bring you the latest packaging for Number Of The Beast from The Lost Abbey in San Marcos, CA.  This beer was formerly Track # 8 in the Ultimate Box Set and it looks to be returning in 2018 in 375ml bottles.  The beer is  a barrel-aged ale (the base beer for Cuvee de Tomme / Judgement Day) with raisins, cinnamon and chiles and the beer will hit 14%-AbV (up from the previous version’s 13.2%.  Stay tuned here for release info and here’s the commercial description from The Lost Abbey:

Track 8: The Number of the Beast

From the Ultimate Box Set: “We’ve never released a Bourbon Barrel version of our Judgment Day. So we thought it might be interesting to take the base beer for Cuvee de Tomme age in first fill Bourbon Barrels and let mother nature take over. Of course, because this is a Rock and Roll inspired Box Set beer, we couldn’t just leave well enough alone. Upon sampling the base beer, it became apparent that the raisins used to brew the base beer were going to drive the flavor bus of this beer. The conversations turned to Oatmeal Raisin cookies and the essence of a freshly baked treat. So we added some cinnamon sticks to the barrels and threw in some dried chiles as well.”

Base Beers: Judgment Day
Specialty Ingredients: Cinnamon Sticks & Dried Chili Peppers
Barrel: Bourbon


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