Upslope Releasing Strawberry Mint IPA & Imperial IPA Cans

imageFrom Upslope:

Upslope Brewing Company is pleased to announce its Imperial IPA is now available in 12-ounce four packs for a limited time. Also, Upslope is excited to reveal its second Tap Room Series beer of the year, a Strawberry Mint IPA.

Typically available in 19.2-ounce cans, the Imperial IPA has become a staple in Upslope’s lineup of core, year-round styles. Beginning in March, and only for a few months, this beer can be purchased in 12-ounce four packs alongside the usual 19.2-ounce can. Assertively hopped and boasting a 10% ABV, the Imperial IPA features a golden orange color with a medium body. Each barrel is brewed using six pounds of a unique blend of hops to impart subtle flavors of pineapple and melon to the central hop notes of citrus and pine. The new, smaller can format affords fans the option of enjoying the bold beer without committing to such a high volume in a single sitting.

Also new this month is Upslope’s Strawberry Mint IPA, an installment in its 19.2-ounce rotating Tap Room Series consisting of brewer-selected beers that have been vetted in Upslope’s tap rooms. This unique brew offering a subtle blend of peppermint and hops is back by popular demand. Balancing bitterness from the hops with sweetness from the malt and strawberries, it delivers a distinctly pleasant experience more common in beers of a much lower ABV. Drink it brewery-fresh and kick-off spring with this surprising and refreshing sipper.

“We’re fortunate to present new brews to our fans nearly every month of the year,” said Henry Wood, Upslope’s director of sales and marketing. “Whether through our seasonal Limited Release series, our Lee Hill Series or our Tap Room Series, there’s constantly a new, creative offering. This month, Upslope drinkers can enjoy a brewery favorite, the Imperial IPA, in a more approachable 12-ounce can as well as venture outside the box with our newest Tap Room Series Strawberry Mint IPA.”

Both the 12-ounce Imperial IPA four packs and 19.2-ounce Strawberry Mint IPA cans will be available for consumption at Upslope’s two Boulder, Colorado tap rooms and in stores beginning in March until supplies last. To learn more about Upslope Brewing, its year-round, seasonal and specialty series beers, visit

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