Short’s Releasing Chief Hopper & Publican Porter

imageFrom Short’s:

In January we announced an extra exclusive, Michigan only, specialty beer release featuring Publican Porter and Chief Hopper. And we’ve got to say, fellow Michiganders, you haven’t exactly been patient! But don’t worry, we can’t blame you. We’ve been itching for the this dark and light, malty and hoppy, yin and yang release right alongside you for nearly three months.  

While all of our releases are pretty special, this release is one we’d classify as “a little more specialer.” Not only because it’s a Short’s brew x 2 debut, but because of just where these sixers and kegs are headed. In an effort to reaffirm our commitment to local, Michigan small businesses, Publican Porter and Chief Hopper are available only to independent Michigan accounts.

Publican Porter (8.2% ABV – 60 IBU) is a full-flavored London Style Porter with a black, opaque color that leaves a pleasing dark brown lace. Rich, decadent aromas of espresso entice the senses, eventually giving way to subtle biscuit like tones. The use of heavily roasted malt imparts tasty flavors of burnt coffee and dark chocolate, accompanied by a suitable and pleasant bitterness.

Chief Hopper (9.2% ABV – 82 IBU) is a Double IPA hopped with Vic Secret, Simcoe, and Centennial hops inspired by the show “Stranger Things.” Chief Hopper is deep gold in color and has a dense white head. Dank aromas of pine, grapefruit, pineapple, and mango are accompanied by just a hint of malt. Smooth and balanced in flavor, a citrus forefront is matched with equal malt character.

Available in limited quantities throughout our home state beginning this week, Publican Porter and Chief Hopper are must taste brews. Publican Porter, was originally bottled as a part of Short’s 2007 Imperial Beer Series. In contrast, Chief Hopper is a new Double IPA that made its pub debut this past fall to rave reviews.

This is your warning, Short’s-i-verse. Both of these Publican Porter and Chief Hopper are expected to sell quickly. Make a trip to your favorite, independent craft beverage purveyor this week to secure your six-packs and pints!

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Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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