de Garde Brewing - The Archer, The Broken Truck, The Lilly, The Florist, Anianish, Oude Desay, The Nord, The Pas, The Road, Houblon de Mer, Vache de Mer, Imperial Hose, Alle Kruge, Autre Grand Rouge, F.A.I.L., Violet Premiere, The Purple, The Purple Kriek, The Frais, The Boysenberry, The Bluest, The Maison, The Rougess, The Framboise, Kriek Premiere, The Anniversary Blend, The Lucy & With Friends Like These Collaboration

This is The Archer from de Garde Brewing in Tilamook, OR.  This beer is a wild ale aged in oak wine barrels with Pinot Noir grapes.  This beer will hit 7%-AbV and this is the 750ml bottle.  We also have The Lilly wild ale aged in oak wine barrels with Tempranillo grapes (7%-AbV), The Florist golden wild ale with citrus Fonta Flora collaboration (6.2%-AbV) and The Broken Truck wild ale aged in oak barrels (5%-AbV).   I’ve added in With Friends Like These wild grape ale Jackie O’s collaborations (6.4%-AbV), Oude Desay tart farmhouse ale blended from 3-years aged in oak barrels (5%-AbV), The Nord Casa Agria Specialty Ales collaboration wild ale aged in oak barrels (5.5%-AbV), The Pas wild ale aged in oak barrels blended from 3-years (5.2%-AbV), The Road wild ale (5.3%-AbV), Houblon de Mer (5.9%-AbV), Vache de Mer (5.9%-AbV) , Imperial Hose Gose (5.7%-AbV), Alle Kruge wild brown ale aged in oak barrels with blackberries in collaboration with Freigeist Bierkultur (6.8%-AbV), Autre Grand Rouge wild red ale age din oak with Zinfandel grapes (6.3%-AbV), F.A.I.L. wild lager aged in oak barrels (5.5%-AbV), Violet Premiere farmhouse wild ale aged in oak barrels with black and red raspberries (7%-AbV), The Purple (7%-AbV), The Purple Kriek (7%-AbV), The Frais  (5%-AbV), The Boysenberry (7%-AbV), The Bluest (7.1%-AbV), The Maison (5%-AbV), The Rougess (6.9%-AbV), The Framboise (6.5%-AbV), Kriek Premiere (8.4%-AbV), The Anniversary Blend No 2 special wild ale age din oak barrels blended from four years (5%-AbV, 750ml bottles), The Lucy spontaneous wild ale age din oak barrels with late harvest Muscat grapes (7.2%-AbV, 750ml bottles) and Anianish wild farmhouse ale aged in oak with fruit and spices (5.2%-AbV). image
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About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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