Upper Hand Brewery Announces Minnesota Distributor Partner

imageFrom Upper Hand:

ESCANABA, MI. ­ Upper Hand Brewery will be heading to Minnesota in January 2017, making it the third state where the brewery distributes its beer. Upper Hand beer is also available in Michigan¹s Upper Peninsula and Northern Wisconsin.

The brewery will be working with Artisan Beer Company to bring their beer to the entire state. Artisan was created in 2011 and has statewide distribution in Minnesota. They have structured an enviable portfolio as a result of their continued focus and commitment to the distribution and promotion of leading craft and import beer, cider and mead.

³Providing the freshest beer and best customer service is extremely important to us and we couldn¹t accomplish this without a strong distributor network. We¹re extremely excited to welcome Artisan to the Upper Hand family,² commented Larry Bell, President and Founder of Bell¹s Brewery, Inc. (Upper Hand Brewery is a division of Bell¹s).

To celebrate the brewery¹s expansion, launch events will be held throughout Minnesota. Additional details will be announced on Upper Hand¹s website and social media outlets as they become available.

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