Cigar City Issues Refund For Hapax Legomenon Bottles

imageFrom Cigar City:

August 2, 2016--

To our friends & Cigar City Enthusiasts.

Brewing is equal parts art, science and humility. We dream and craft unique off-the-wall flavors; utilize tests to ensure that the products align with our expectations; and are first to admit when things go awry.

During a recent test, our sensory panel noticed that Hapax Legomenon has started to develop flavors not consistent with our expectations for this release. A follow-up lab has confirmed that a large percentage of bottles have been infected with the wild yeast strain known as Brettanomyces. This contamination has caused flavor and body characteristics reminiscent of traditional farmhouse ales like: horse blanket, must and slightly elevated carbonation levels. While we have enjoyed this unintentional flavor development, this beer no longer aligns with our vision for this label. For this reason, we will be refunding the credit card accounts of all El Catador Club Third Edition members for $25.00 to cover the price of this bottle.The credit should appear on your account by 8/15/2016.

If you purchased a bottle of Hapax Legomenon in the Cigar City Tasting Room, we will initiate your refund once we receive proof of purchase.

If you have any additional questions or need to submit proof of purchase, please email us at Our goal is to make this process as stress-free as possible.

We truly appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Cheers & All the best,
Cigar City Brewing Company

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