Grand Canyon Brewing Adding New Brewhouse & Tap Room in Williams, AZ

imageFrom Grand Canyon Brewing:

Located just two miles down Route 66, the second location is set to open on Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Grand Canyon Brewing Company is expanding with the addition of a brand new brewhouse and tap room located just two miles down Route 66 from their current location in Williams, AZ. The tap room grand opening is scheduled for Thursday, July 28, 2016. The brewhouse will begin production in January 2017.

The 20,000 square foot facility will be fully functional by November, operating a 40 bbl system. Moving from a 15 bbl system to a 40 bbl system will increase the Grand Canyon Brewing Company’s beer production to about 20,000 barrels of beer by 2018 and 40,000 barrels by 2020.

“With the addition of the new brewery we will be able to double our brewing capacity over the next two years, helping us to meet demand locally while tapping into more global markets,” said John Peasley, owner, the Grand Canyon Brewing Company.

Currently the Grand Canyon Brewing Company distributes its beer domestically in Arizona and Nevada and international markets in South Korea. With the expansion, the brewery has its sights set on distribution into China, Canada, Mexico, Japan and Australia.

In addition to increased production of its core beers, the Grand Canyon Brewing Company plans to increase small batch and specialty beers including their “Shotgun Series”, a set of four different seasonal double IPAs, a cask program, and other unique collaborations.

Stay tuned to the Grand Canyon Brewing Company website at for more announcements and be sure to swing by and check out the new digs, grab a pint, take a tour and enjoy.

I've added in the new 19.2oz cans for American Pilsner (5%-AbV, 25 IBU).

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