Sixpoint - 2016 Hi-Res Details (Video)

From SIxpoint:

Exploring Hops in Hi-Res: Sixpoint Brewery talks with Particle Physicist Dr. Kyle Cranmer about the nature of the universe, and how very small particles can play an outsize role in our everyday experience. Whether looking through microscope or a telescope, see how zooming in can permanently alter your perception.

Let’s talk optics. The study of light, and the eyeball… aka the prism that sends images blasting through your dome like a movie projector. Technology advances, resolution increases, and all of a sudden we can see the bigger picture AND the finer details. We’re increasing the view, in BOTH directions…

We zoomed in microscopic on the hop cone, and actually found a grander view. In Hi-Res, the hop factor was magnified; our perception, fully amplified. And we just kept cranking the dial.

Inside the cone you find the resin; the key to unlocking the power of hops. We dove into the essence of hops, focusing in on potent, delicious, aromatic compounds until our senses could barely handle it. HI-RES reaches the limits, scoffs, and races past them, permanently altering your view. Crack a HI-RES and shatter your scope. It’s Mad Science.


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