Jack’s Abby - The Cans are Coming

imageFrom Jack’s Abby:

Co-Owner and Brewer Jack Hendler says, “you may have already noticed that Hoponius and Smoke & Dagger have started to go out to stores with their new artwork.”
“And starting next year we’re going to be getting cans out,” adds Co-Owner and Director of Sales Sam Hendler.
“’Next year’ sounds really far away, in like a month,” Jack points out. “I guess there is a real reason we’ve changed all our artwork- cans have a real special printing process that, unfortunately, our old artwork was not capable of being replicated on.”

Sam adds, “We have our 12 oz cans- Leisure Time, Calyptra, and Hoponius- those guys are going to be available all in twelve packs. House Lager is going to be in six packs of 16 oz cans.”

Jack elaborates, “Lager is really at the core of who we are as a brewery and so we made our own house beer that just tastes great and is full-flavored, but easy drinking. Lastly is Excess IPL and it will be in 16 oz four packs.”

“We have to buy almost 200,000 cans per run per can so, for five brands, that means we have a million cans in the brewery right now,” Jack says.

Sam asks, “Are they going taste any different in the cans?”
Jack assures him, “the beer in the cans will be the exact same as the beer in the bottles!”

Sam adds, “There are a lot of great things about putting the beer in the cans- from the sales end of the brewery. In the outdoors you want cans with you, they’re lighter, they’re more mobile, it’ll allow us to be even more competitive price-wise.”

Jack continues, “So for us, as far as distribution, it lowers the cost of shipping because it’s so much lighter. We’re really excited to get you cans for the first time so look out for them around February when they’ll be hitting stores.”

Sam wonders, “Any other changes coming down the pipeline? Anything you haven’t told me about?”

“You’ll know when it happens,” Jack responds.
“So that’s the new line up and a little bit of why we’re doing it,” Sam finishes. “I’m Sam-“

Jack jumps in, “and I’m Jack, thanks for watching.”

(Link to Video)

22 Jan 2015:  We completed our first canning run this week! You can find our session IPL Calyptra in twelve packs of 12 oz cans now in the Beer Hall. Coming soon… Hoponius Union cans.

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for mybeerbuzz.com. Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2024 mybeerbuzz.com All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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