Bud Light - Lime-A-Rita & Straw-Ber-Rita Splash

imageHere’s your first peek at a lighter take on the “Rita” family of beverages from Bud Light.  This Lime-A-Rita Splash and it is a lighter take on the regular Ritas.  This brew will hit 12oz bottles (below) and 16oz cans and it will come in at 4%-AbV and 212 calories per 12oz serving.  We also have Straw-Ber-Rite Splash (same AbV and calories)

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7 comments (click to read or post):

  1. The only reason I ever tried the Lime a Rita was because of the higher alcohol content. It isn't very good. this does not interest me

  2. Just bought one of each a couple days ago and I will definitely be buying more. They are a lot lighter than the regular Ritas from Budlight. I'm not a beer drinker either, just wanted to try them after seeing them at a gas station. I have to say, they'll be mixed in my cooler during the summer.

    1. Is it also carbonated like the original "rita's"

    2. Im having one now, i think i will have a second.

  3. Just bought one of each a couple days ago and I will definitely be buying more. They are a lot lighter than the regular Ritas from Budlight. I'm not a beer drinker either, just wanted to try them after seeing them at a gas station. I have to say, they'll be mixed in my cooler during the summer.

  4. I am absolutely hooked on my can of Lime-a-Rita so today tried the "Splash" at my local golf course. I have to say it was good, but it did not have the taste of the original canned Lime-a-Rita. I will stick with the canned version even though I like to watch the calories.


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