River North Nightmare Fuel Bottles Coming This Week

imageWe brought you a peek at this bottle and now the details from River North:

A huge thank you to everyone who came out this past weekend for our final days at 24thand Blake. We had a great time, and can’t express how much your support means to us as we work to open our new spot at 6021 Washington.

Aside from the Funk the Man series, one of the stars of the show was Nightmare Fuel, our 13.5% imperial stout brewed with whole bean coffee.

If you missed the keg of Nightmare we tapped Friday (cause it went fast!), don’t fret. You can still get some!

Starting this week, bombers of Nightmare Fuel will appear on store shelves around Colorado. Since we don’t currently have a taproom open, we sadly can’t host a release party, so start calling your local bottle shop and see when they’re getting it!

During our transition, we’ll also host events at great beer bars around town, self-deemed “satellite taprooms.” The first is Thursday, November 5th at Stapleton Taphouse and will feature all three versions of Funk the Man. The first keg of Nightmare Fuel, however, will be tapped the following Thursday, November 12th at Jake’s Brew Bar in Littleton!

Those asking about Nightmare last weekend also may have heard about our plan to sell bottles at a future loading dock sale. While we will save some for just that reason, we have to wait until our licenses transfer. At that time, you’ll be able to come down, snag a couple bottles and check out our progress on the new space.

But in the meantime, if you’re fiending for some boozy, boozy coffee, keep your eyes peeled for bottles of Nightmare Fuel around town this week!

And speaking of awesome beers hitting shelves, you’ll see a bit of Funk the Man #2 and Funk the Man #3 around town soon as well! Then in early December, we’ll release Barrel-Aged Avarice in similar fashion. Because no matter what, we need fun brews to drink too!

And the official PR:

One of River North’s most anticipated releases in recent memory, Nightmare Fuel, will appear on store shelves this week.

A 13.5% ABV imperial stout brewed with fresh-roasted whole bean coffee, Nightmare Fuel combines two of the finest brewed beverages in the universe.

“Given the amount of coffee we drink around here, a java-laden imperial stout has been a long-time coming,” Hess said. “We sourced the beans from one of our favorite Denver roasters, Corvus, using three pounds per barrel to craft a true coffee-forward stout.”

Bombers of Nightmare Fuel will arrive at fine Colorado bottle shops this week, just in time for Halloween. Coffee notes dominate the aroma, while a robust dark-roast barley base provides balance.

Unlike with other special releases, River North will not host a debut party for Nightmare Fuel, as they are currently without a taproom. The brewery will, however, hold some cases for a loading dock sale at a future date, so fans can come check out the progress of River North’s new production facility at 6021 Washington Street Unit A.

Craft beer lovers in Colorado will also see bottles of Funk the Man - the brewery’s brett saison series released to commemorate the imminent demolition of their original location for a new apartment development – in stores soon. Finally, in December, the brewery will release the 2015 version of its highest rated beer, Barrel-Aged Avarice.

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Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for mybeerbuzz.com. Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2024 mybeerbuzz.com All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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