The Staropramen TapWriter: A Typewriter That Pours Beer (Video)

From Staropramen:

Addressing an audience a little more sophisticated, Staropramen speaks to people who spend their time enjoying quality experiences such as theater, jazz music, fine cinema and literature.
That is why this summer we’ve thrown at them the biggest challenge an aspiring artist could face: the blank page.

To do that, we’ve combined a real typewriter with a draft machine. Here comes Tapwriter, the world’s first type-controlled draft.
For each piece of writing, the author gets a free beer poured while typing. As inspiration pours out of you, well-deserved beer fills the glass.

We’ve presented Staropramen Tapwriter at major festivals where writing enthusiasts were most likely to be found: BookFest, the biggest book fair in Romania, Sibiu International Theatre Festival, Jazz in the Park and Undercloud Festival of Independent Theatre. One by one the blank pages were filled with stories and poems as people shared theirs in the hundreds.

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Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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