Here’s another couple of Skully Barrel release coming from Paradox Beer Co in Divide, CO. No 31 is a sour ale brewed with apricots and aged in oak wine barrels (7.6%-AbV), No 32 is a dry-hopped sour red ale aged in oak wine barrels (7.5%-AbV) No 33 is a wild dark sour pumpkin ale aged in oak wine barrels (8%-AbV), # 34 is a sour ale brewed with pears and spices and age din oak wine barrels and # 35 is a sour ale brewed with plums and natural flavors and aged in oak wine barrels. These are all 500ml bottles. We also have Troi Ans Anniversary Ale and it is a special reserve sour ale aged in oak wine barrels. As a bonus I added Café Verdad Colorado wild farmhouse ale with coffee & cinnamon (aged in oak wine barrels) and Hell For Stout
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