Troegs - Scratch Beer Updates - Approaching # 200

From Troegs:

We’ve got more exciting news this month on the Scratch Beer front. As we approach our 200th beer donning the Scratch Beer moniker, we’re showing no signs of slowing down. On the horizon for July, we’ve got an easy-drinking Helles Lager as well as an Amber Ale brewed with Lemon Drop and Zeus hops. Also coming soon is our annual Ales for ALS™ beer (a hoppy Pale Ale brewed with a proprietary hop blend) to benefit the ALS Therapy Development Institute. Don’t forget to pick up a case of our annual White Ale (Scratch #196, a Belgian-style Witbier) in the General Store or grab a growler from the Tasting Room. This is a perennial favorite and won’t last long at the brewery!

In related Scratch Beer news, Chris and John made a quick field trip to visit our friends at Deer Creek Malthouse at the end of June. Deer Creek produces a variety of 2- and 6-row barley and rye malt at its small, artisan operation based out of the Philadelphia area. We’ve used Deer Creek’s malt in a few previous Scratch Beers as well as (717) Collaboration Ale for Harrisburg Beer Week. Last week, we brewed an India Pale Lager using 6-row malt procured from the trip. Be on the lookout for more Scratch Beers brewed using this high-quality, local malted barley.

Stop, hop and roll!

At Tröegs, we take pride in partnering with local non-profit organizations in an effort to make a substantive difference in our community. With this in mind, we’re pleased to announce our partnership with the Hershey Volunteer Fire Department in developing a commemorative Scratch Beer we’ve dubbed Red Steam Common Ale. This California Common, or “steam” beer, echoes back to the very first Scratch Beer produced by Tröegs Brewery in 2007. The beer began to take shape after a discussion between John Trogner and a few volunteer firefighters who also dabble in homebrewing. Several firefighters also assisted in the brewing process by answering our “brew drill” call and arrived at the brewery on a fire truck in full uniform to add hops to the brew kettle. We’re set to release Red Steam Common Ale at the brewery on Monday, July 13 during a special charity event for the Hershey Volunteer Fire Department. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Hershey Volunteer Fire Department, and a portion of the proceeds generated from sales of Red Steam Common Ale and commemorative pint glasses will also benefit the cause.

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Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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