Anheuser-Busch Reaches Settlement In Beck’s Beer Label Lawsuit

imageFrom STLToday:

Anheuser-Busch has reached a settlement in a lawsuit that alleged the brewer misled customers to believe Beck’s beer sold in the United States is brewed in Germany.

Francisco Rene Marty, Seth Goldman, and Fernando Marquetsued A-B in federal court in Florida in October 2013, alleging Beck's advertising and packaging misled customers to pay more for beer they incorrectly believed was an import. The lawsuit contended that Beck's produced in St. Louis used Missouri water that differs from water from German rivers. Belgium-based A-B InBev's U.S. headquarters is in St. Louis.

While the lawsuit was pending, A-B changed Beck's beer labels and packaging brewed in the U.S. to prominently say "Brewed in the U.S.A." or "Product of U.S.A."

A federal judge Tuesday gave preliminary approval for a proposed class action settlement that includes a refund for Beck's customers. A final approval hearing is set for Oct. 20.  

As part of the settlement, A-B denied any wrongdoing but agreed to issue refunds to customers who bought Beck's beer brewed in the U.S. beginning May 1, 2011.

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