Here we have three new Skully Barrel releases coming from Paradox Beer in Woodland Park, CO. No 23 is a sour ale brewed with grapefruit & citrus peel that is aged in oak wine barrels (2160 bottles), No 25 is a sour golden ale brewed with sumac and sea-salt that is aged in oak wine barrels (4344 bottles), No 26 is a sour golden ale brewed with mango chili, sea salt, lime peel and aged in oak wine barrels (4320 bottles) and No 27 is a dry-hopped dark sour ale aged in oak wine barrels (4320 bottles), No 28 is a sour ale brewed with Cascara coffee cherries and aged in wine barrels, No 29 is a sour red ale brewed with tamarind and lime peel age din oak wine barrels and No 30 is a sour ale brewed with watermelon juice and age din oak wine barrels. These are all 500ml bottles.

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