Half Acre Renames Heyoka IPA To Senita IPA

From Half Acre:

To All,
We wanted to make you aware that we’ll be changing the name of Heyoka India Pale Ale.  Heyoka is a Lakota Native American word.  Recently, some members of the Lakota community reached out with disappointment in our usage of the word and requested that we stop.

We didn’t and aren’t going to spend any time defending or explaining our use of the word. We're simply making the right choice and respecting their wishes.

The new name from this point forward is Senita India Pale Ale. We feel good firmly getting behind its new name and hope that you’ll work with us to do the same.  New cans, cartons and tap handles will flow out this week, so be on the lookout for the new design.

We had the opportunity to have many conversations and exchanges that landed in a very positive place. In the end, this has been a huge learning experience for Half Acre, and we’re pleased to respect the wishes of the Lakota people.  We also feel the name Senita reflects the vibes we’ve always looked for when mapping out this beer and its identity.

We appreciate your support and cooperation.
Half Acre Beer Co
Chicago, IL
Half Acre

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