Boulevard Enters South Carolina Distribution

From Boulevard:

October 6, 2014 – Kansas City – Before the end of the month, Boulevard Brewing Company will load trucks with beer destined for South Carolina, bringing to 29 the number of states in which Boulevard may be found. Seven wholesalers recently finalized agreements with the brewery and will distribute the beer in different regions of the state: Lee Distributing, Comer Distributing, Greenco Beverage Co.,Beverage South, H&S Wholesalers, Better Brands and Crown Beverages.

“It‘s the right time to add South Carolina to our map,” said Steve Mills, Boulevard’s vice president of sales. “The craft beer culture is thriving in the Palmetto State, and our new distribution partners are eager to introduce Boulevard to that community. We look forward to becoming a full participant in the evolving story.”

Several year-round beers will be available within the coming weeks, including Unfiltered Wheat Beer, the brewery’s most popular offering, Pop-Up I.P.A., 80-Acre Hoppy Wheat Beer and Single-Wide I.P.A. Boulevard’s year-round Smokestack Series, consisting of Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale, Long Strange Tripel, The Sixth Glass, Double-Wide I.P.A.and Dark Truth Stout, will also be fully represented. Additional seasonals and limited releases will be introduced in the coming months.

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