Stone Groundbreaking Collaborations: Nogne0 & Jolly Pumpkin

From Stone Jolly Pumpkin & Nogne0:

Our Stone Groundbreaking Collaboration is rolling on with yet another new #beer. Going up for pre-order TOMORROW, it's a specialty brew to be crafted in Berlin with Jolly Pumpkin Cafe & Brewery and Nøgne Ø!

We bring you holiday-style tidings of a deliciously festive beer for our latest Stone Groundbreaking Collaborations announcement. Yes, it's true: We're updating our much-coveted 2008 Jolly Pumpkin/Nøgne Ø/Stone Special Holiday Ale.

The original brew featured an ingredient native to the locale of each collaborator: chestnuts from Michigan (
Jolly Pumpkin), juniper berries from Norway (Nøgne Ø), and white sage from Southern California (Stone), plus a host of other innovative ingredients.

For this updated version, the brewers will incorporate a botanical native to Berlin, which is where this and all
Stone Groundbreaking Collaborations will be brewed, of course. Greg has already ruled out currywurst, sparing you the need to send us electronic telegrams, clever or otherwise, with just that suggestion.

Don't forget, this style-bending ale won't be brewed for at least another year, but if you want a commemorative 1.5-liter bottle of this intriguing version of liquid cheer, you can preorder one on our
Stone Groundbreaking Collaborations page.


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