NPR Tests - Does Eating Yeast Keep You From Getting Drunk?

We brought you the news of this “trick” that our pal Jim Koch uses to keep from getting drunk…and now NPR tests if eating yeast keeps you from getting drunk:

For each round, we drank two 12-ounce beers: Sierra Nevada's Torpedo IPA over 15 minutes followed by a Lagunitas IPA over 15 minutes. At 6 to 7 percent alcohol by volume, the beers are fairly typical servings of alcohol…

The goal? To find out whether eating yeast mixed with yogurt, or drinking extra water, while drinking would suppress our BAC, the only true measure of "drunkenness" since our sense of it varies so much physically — and psychologically — person to person…

But a few conclusions were clear: Yeast in yogurt doesn't slow down the absorption of alcohol very much — perhaps only a tad. But drinking a bunch of water before and between beers might have a slightly bigger effect on peak BAC than the yeast-yogurt combo.

Full results & article here.

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