Latest TTB Ruling Reinforces Harvester Brewing’s Commitment To Gluten-Free Beer

From Harvester Brewing:

On February 11th, the TTB issued Ruling 2014-2 stating that no alcoholic beverage made from gluten-containing grains (including barley, wheat, and rye) can be labeled gluten-free or make any claim regarding the level of gluten in a finished product. This ruling fortifies Harvester Brewing’s long-standing commitment to using only inherently gluten-free ingredients in its beer.
Some key excerpts from the TTB’s press release:

  • TTB determined that it would be inherently misleading for alcohol beverages produced from grains containing gluten or their derivatives to make a “gluten-free” claim
  • [C]onsistent with FDA’s regulations, TTB will continue to consider “gluten-free” label claims for TTB-regulated alcohol beverages made from gluten-containing grains to be misleading
  • [I]t remains TTB’s policy that labels or advertisements that state or imply…the specific level of gluten in the finished product (such as “contains x ppm”) will be considered misleading
  • [T]here is still no scientifically valid way to evaluate the claims that beers made from gluten-containing grains can be processed in a way that removes gluten

It is the understanding of Harvester Brewing that, despite this federal ruling which applies to interstate commerce, it is the policy of the State of Oregon to allow alcoholic beverages made with gluten-containing grains to be labeled gluten-free for distribution within the state. 

From its conception Harvester Brewing has made gluten-free beer without barley, wheat, or rye and is currently certified Gluten Free by the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO). At no point in Harvester’s production process are any gluten-containing ingredients used. Harvester Brewing fulfills both state and federal qualifications for gluten-free labeling as implemented by the FDA and TTB.

As testing regimens evolve Harvester’s strives to maintain compliance with all possible gluten-free standards. The brewery keeps in continual contact with certification groups, independent labs, test manufacturers, and industry professionals regarding state-of-the-art in gluten testing. 

More information can be obtained in the full TTB press release and ruling, available online:
TTB Press Release:
TTB Full Ruling:

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