From Stone Brewing:
ESCONDIDO, CA (Dec. 30, 2013) – Stone Brewing Co. has contributed more than $650,000 to charity in 2013, thanks to loyal fans, dedicated volunteers, craft brewing compatriots and a stellar group of Team Stone employees. As in previous years, the past 12 months were packed with charitable endeavors that benefited a variety of organizations.
“Stone is proud to continue our longstanding company principle of actively contributing to worthy charities every year,” said Stone CEO and Co-founder Greg Koch. “This year’s contributions reflect our dedication to the community and the charities that make a positive difference for the people and initiatives they serve. Cheers to them!”
2013 charitable contributions included:
Stone 17th Anniversary Celebration & Invitational Beer Festival On August 16 and 17, Stone held its 17th Anniversary Celebration & Invitational Beer Festival. One of the brewing company’s largest charity contributions to-date was made possible by:
- 7,000 fans who attended the festival
- 73 breweries that donated kegs of beer
- 342 volunteers who donated their time
- 314 Stone employees who worked the two-day event.
Stone Brewing Co. Brewery Tours
Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens – Liberty Station VIP Pre-opening
Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens – Liberty Station 12/15 IPA: Ales for ALS IPA
In an effort to support research for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig's Disease), Stone donated $10,000 to Ales for ALS from proceeds of yet another beer brewed at Stone’s Liberty Station brewery-restaurant, Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens – Liberty Station 12/15 IPA: Ales for ALS IPA. The beer was a low-alcohol IPA brewed with four new and unique hop varietals. Created by B.T. Loftus Ranches Inc. and Hopunion LLC, Ales for ALS offers participating brewers access to a proprietary hop blend free of charge in exchange for donating a portion of the beer’s sales to ALS TDI, the world's leading ALS research organization.
Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens – Liberty Station Operation Homefront IPA
Hop-Con: The w00tstout Launch Festival
San Diego Blood Bank
Stone hosted two public blood drives in support of the San Diego Blood Bank. The combined efforts of both drives helped save 364 lives. A two-day drive in March resulted in 56 units of blood collected, equating to 168 lives saved, and a second two-day drive in September resulted in the collection of 59 units of blood, equating to 177 lives saved.
Thanksgiving Dinners
Stone donated 50 complete Thanksgiving meals to two different charitable causes. Casa de Amparo, an organization that treats and prevents child abuse and neglect throughout San Diego County, received 45 meals, and five dinners were also provided to the Oceanside Yacht Club, who served them to Camp Pendleton Marines and U.S. Marine Corps veterans.
Additionally, Stone has supported more than 400 local, regional and national charities by donating nearly $350,000 worth of Stone beer, merchandise and gift certificates for fundraising events.
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