San Tan - Rail Slide Imperial Spiced Ale Returns 11/1

From San Tan brewing:

Chandler, Arizona (October 31, 2013)— SanTan Brewing Company, Arizona’s fastest growing brewery and leader of the Arizona canned craft beer revolution is gearing up to launch their RailSlide Imperial Spiced Ale on November 1, 2013.  

RailSlide Imperial Spiced Ale is a brew based on a traditional English Strong Ale with winter flavors including fresh ginger, cinnamon and licorice. It boasts a deep brown color and was created in celebration of the pioneering punk spirit of the American craft brewer.

RailSlide is brewed with Liberty Market’s Chai tea blend, consisting of fresh ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, black pepper and nutmeg. RailSide is an updated variation of SanTan’s 2011 winter seasonal, 12 Daze Caramel Spiced Amber that was brewed in collaboration with Joe Johnston and David Traina from Liberty Market.

RailSlide Quick Facts

Style:   Imperial Spiced Ale

Malt:    2-Row, Caramel, Munich, White Wheat, Roasted and Chocolate

Hops:   Summit

Yeast: American Ale

OG:     16 Plato

ABV:    7.1%

Color: Dark Amber

IBU:     25 IBU

Availability: November-December

One year ago, SanTan Brewing Company launched Arizona’s first ever seasonal canned beer series with the introduction of RailSlide Imperial Spiced Ale. Since then, three other seasonal beers have donned the aluminum suit including Sex Panther Double Chocolate Porter, SuperMonk IPA and the award winning Mr. Pineapple Wheat Beer. To find a pint or can of RailSlide near you, visit SanTan Brewing Company’s Beer Detective online at

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