Odell Fall~Winter Montage Variety Pack Coming In Sept With New Wellspring Saison

From Odell Brewing:

Fort Collins, CO. – In September, 2013 Odell Brewing will release the next version of its variety 12 pack, Montage. The Fall~Winter package will feature flagship 90 Shilling, the award winning IPA, seasonal Isolation Ale, and a new Roots Release brew called Wellspring.

Inspired by the brewery’s pilot brewing system, the Roots Release brews are experimental, one-of-a-kind, and typically only available in the brewery’s Tap Room. Wellspring, a dry hopped saison, is the first Roots Release offering the brewery will release. Slightly hoppier than the classic Saison, Wellspring is crisp with notes of lemon pepper, banana, and stone fruit.

“Our pilot system is the wellspring of our creativity,” said marketing manager, Amanda Johnson-King. “It’s the heart and soul of our brewery, and we wanted to honor that with our first Roots Release brew.”
Odell brewing will offer three different versions of the Montage variety pack annually, mirroring its seasonal beer release schedule. Each edition will include brewery favorites 90 Shilling and IPA, the current seasonal offering and a new Roots Release offering.

Odell Brewing will release the Fall~Winter Montage in early September, and plans to celebrate with a special Wellspring tapping party in the Tap Room September 14th and 15th.

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