Heineken Light Adding Cascade Hops To Boost Sales

No…I’m not making this up….from CNBC:

Heineken is hoping to jump-start sales of its struggling light brand by taking a page out of the craft beer playbook. 

The brewery is changing the flavor profile of Heineken Premium Light by adding Cascade hops, one of the most popular craft beerstyles. The hops are found in brews such as Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and Anchor Steam Liberty Ale. 

"What we see and hear a lot about light beer now is consumers have become tired of the taste—the light brands are a little too watery for them and not a rewarding enough experience," said Olga Osminkina, senior brand director at Heineken USA."Cascade hops are not a familiar addition to a light type of beer, so that's going to put Heineken Light in a different category."

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