Saranac Pale Ale & Adirondack Lager Win Gold @ U.S. Open Beer Championships

From Saranac:

UTICA, N.Y. — Saranac’s Pale Ale and Adirondack Lager were each awarded gold medals in the 2013 United States Open Beer Championship.

Judges from England, Canada and the United States evaluated more than 2,500 beers from breweries around the world.

“These two gold medals for our core beers just reinforce why we’re so excited about our 125th anniversary celebration packs,” said president Fred Matt. “We’ve always focused on making quality beers that our consumers will choose over anything else – which is exactly what the judges did.”

Saranac is launching 125th celebration packages entirely focused on their core beers: there will be an extra pint of their new Legacy IPA in select packages, including Pale Ale, White IPA, and Trail Mix 12 packs. The Trail Mix pack includes these two gold medal winners, as well as Saranac’s “Black Forest” dark lager, which is the brewer’s most awarded beer, and the White IPA.

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