Craft Beer Beginning To Take Off In Israel


From TabletMag:

Dekel is part of a growing crop of craft-beer brewers in Israel. Ten years ago, the only domestic beer options in Israel were Goldstar and Maccabee lagers. Now, in the Mateh Yehudah region—the triangle between Jerusalem, the Ella Valley, and the far outskirts of Tel Aviv—nearly every farming community has at least one warehouse filled with beer fermenting in stainless-steel kettles. Inspired by cloudy German wheat beers or bitter American pale ales they tasted while traveling, Israeli brewers are importing sacks of grain and barley and creating local versions of their favorites. The new beers are finding a small but growing audience among discerning Israeli drinkers. But as the brewers try to foster an Israeli beer culture, they face two big hurdles: Israelis drink very little, and a pint of beer here is among the most expensive in the world.

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