Friday BeerBuzz - 21 June 2013 - The Teaser

Last week we threw a curve ball and featured not a beer but a series of Meads form our pal Michael Fairbrother at Moonlight Meadery.  With many mead makers having their roots in home brewing, we thought it was a perfect fit to coincide with the AHA Homebrewing Conference coming in Philly.  We also simply loved the meads Michael sent us and really enjoyed sampling them.  Try Moonlight Meadery for yourself.

So what will we be sampling this week? Hint: If all the stars align this week, we will welcome our biggest guest EVER on the WILK Friday BeerBuzz.  DO NOT MISS THIS SHOW! 

Tune in at 8:30AM and see what beer we sample on the Friday BeerBuzz on WILK…bringing good beers and good people together. (103.1FM or

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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