East End Releasing BiggeHop DIPA Today

From East End Brewing:

We're releasing a new beer today (6/22/13) at both locations. It's a "bigger", stronger, hoppier, version of our BigHop IPA... and while I could describe it to you, it's better described by Brendan, our Head Brewer, who sent the following out to our crew of 6, so that we can all intelligently speak about this beer to you. Who better to describe the beer than the guy who brewed it? Here it is:
Hey fellas. Beer description on bigger hop for you all.

This is the 3rd time we have made this beer. Similarly, this is the third time we have altered the recipe. My opinion is that this version has seen yet another improvement....

Coming in at 8.5% more or less, this years version used four different hops in the boil and 4 different hops in the dry hopping. At the base of the beer, the grist, we used a single malt only, that of the Rahr Pale variety i.e. no specialty malts. Hopping in the kettle used the four C's (cascade, centennial, chinook, and Galena... spelled with a G.). For those who care, the IBUs on this beer were calculated at 92.5. As for dry hopping varieties, we used 25% each of amarillo, simcoe, cascade, and chinook in the realm of 1# hops per barrel. (Those varieties were chosen for their citrus character. Hopefully you can find them in the aroma!) Total pounds of hops in this behemoth were about 84# in 20 barrels probably a high water mark for us.

So today we are releasing this beer in draft form only at $18 a pop. There will be a super limited amount available via vecenies in sixtel kegs on pre order. Please no walk in keg orders on this beer due to its limitedness. Once bottle conditioning is complete, we will have 1400 bottles to move asap. Remember to let all customers know that double ipas and regular hop centric beers are meant to be drank FRESH not aged! Super important! Hops fade with age.

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Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for mybeerbuzz.com. Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2024 mybeerbuzz.com All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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