West Flanders Brewing Creates Farmhouse Brewery in Louisville

From the Boulder Daily Camera:

West Flanders Brewing Co. was not supposed to have its beginnings as a brewpub in downtown Boulder.

Officials initially envisioned establishing a Louisville-based brewing facility nestled in a pastoral setting that would lend to a "farm-to-table" tap house.

Thanks to the "fantastic surprise" of BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse relocating to Twenty Ninth Street from 1125 Pearl St., West Flanders' founders changed course and set up shop last year at the ready-to-brew restaurant along the Pearl Street Mall.

The near-term intent may have changed, but the original dream remained.

Nearly six months after opening the downtown Boulder brewpub, West Flanders officials said they are finalizing a site review application to build a brewery and tap house at 1303 Empire Road in Louisville.

The nearly 4-acre parcel on the northeast of Colo. 42 and Empire Road is zoned for industrial purposes but also has an adjoining agricultural area that could be prime for growing hops and other ingredients, said Brian Lutz, brewmaster and co-founder of West Flanders.

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