Stone 12.12.12 - Epic Fest Bottle Share '02-'05

From Stone:

Questions have surfaced over the years about the earliest entries in the Vertical Epic Ales. These questions...well...questioned the real ability of a decade old beer to hold up and still have taste (that we'd enjoy anyway) come the magical date of epic finality (12/12/12 for those of you not yet in the know).

For once and all, let's hope to quell the sayers of nay. Greg had requested the presence of Vertical Epic Ale collectors, to join him in an epic bottle share of 02.02.02 - 05.05.05 Vertical Epic Ales. The setup is simple. We put out a blanket request to the Epic Festival attendees. We received many responses. Whom did we choose? Some who had meticulously cellared their beer. Some who had left them in the car. And others who bought beers of unknown origin.

Could the result be good? Or would most of the beer be bad? Join Greg and find out.…

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