Jester King / Brasserie Thiriez La Petite Princesse Biere de Table Not Coming To The U.S.


Details on brew day are here and now this from Jester King:

(Austin, TX - 12 Dec 2012/mbb/) - In early October, we had the pleasure of visiting Brasserie Thiriez in Esquelbecq, France and working with owner/brewer Daniel Thiriez to create a collaboration called La Petite Princesse Bière de Table. The recipe for La Petite Princesse was the same as our own recipe for Le Petit Prince Farmhouse Table Beer. However, the malts and hops came from different suppliers, the water came from France, and the yeast was Thiriez’s own house yeast. We were very excited and interested to ferment La Petite Princesse with Thiriez’s house yeast because the French Saison yeast we use at Jester King for our primary fermentations was first derived from Thiriez. Fermenting La Petite Princesse in France with Thiriez yeast was in some ways like taking one of our beers back to its ancestral homeland. For that, we are very grateful to Daniel Thiriez and thank him for the opportunity.

At the moment, La Petite Princesse is only available in Europe, but it’s possible that future batches will make their way to the U.S. Unfortunately, none is likely to make its way to Texas, since Thiriez can’t currently make enough beer to justify the $7,000 that it would cost them to do business in the State. If you live in Texas and would like the opportunity to sample hand-crafted, small batch beers from European, artisan brewers, such as Brasserie Thiriez, you should probably consider moving somewhere else. Or if you’d prefer not to have to move, you could simply join Open the Taps and help us change the law.

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