Guinness Storehouse In Dublin Opens “Connoisseur Bar Experience”


Guinness Storehouse in Dublin is not only Ireland’s #1 attraction, it’s also one of my favorite places to visit in Dublin.  With that in mind I’m excite to report that Guinness has decided to add a Connoisseur Bar Experience to the Storehouse.  This from IrishCentral:

The Guinness Storehouse, Ireland’s No. 1 international visitor attraction, today announced the opening of the Guinness Connoisseur Bar Experience. Now, during a visit at the Home of Guinness in Dublin, Ireland, legal drinking age Guinness fans and beer lovers can learn how to appreciate and taste the most popular Guinness variants.

As the first and most exclusive Guinness beer connoisseur experience in the world, this tutored tasting will take Guinness Storehouse visitors on a sensory journey through four different Guinness variants – Guinness Draught, Guinness Foreign Extra Stout, Guinness Original, and the newest member of the Guinness variant family, Guinness Black Lager. The recently unveiled Guinness Generous Ale, a limited-edition Holiday Ale, will also join the four Guinness variants throughout the sensory experience for a limited time.

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