Surly Brewing Seeking Help To Clean Up New Brewery Site



One option for the location of Surly Brewing’s new facility is the Prospect Park (former potato processing plant).  Surly is currently requesting grants form the city to help in the clean-up costs.  This from MinnesotaDaily:

One of the short-list sites for the brewery is in the Prospect Park neighborhood near University Avenue Southeast, according to the Star Tribune

The 8.3-acre site was formerly a potato processing plant and has undergone a century of industrial use, according to the Tribune. Surly is requesting grants from the city to aid in cleaning up the mess — a project that a city document estimates would total $2.5 million. The costs of putting up the brewery itself total about $20 million. 

The project will feature a brewery and beer hall, as well as recreation space and festival gardens, reported the Star Tribune. 

The site was chosen for its large size and proximity to public transit, Surly’s real estate consultant, Tom Hauschild, told the Tribune. Once light rail construction is completed, the “Westgate” station will be down the street from the potential brewery site.

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