Boulevard Brewing Hires Former MillerCoors Exec Mike Magoulas As CEO

Some interesting news coming from Boulevard Brewing via Kansas

Boulevard Brewing has hired a CEO with big-league beer experience, a move that recognizes how the Kansas City firm has grown since its humble beginnings in 1989 to become the 10th largest craft brewer in the U.S.

Mike Magoulas, who’s most recent corporate job was regional vice president for MillerCoors, will assume the CEO role from Boulevard founder John McDonald. McDonald will remain president and stay active with the firm he started with $35,000 worth of used equipment from Bavaria.

“When I started, I never thought I’d have over 100 employees,” McDonald said today. “That’s much of my job and not my favorite thing to do. I’ll be more involved with the brewing and engineering side.”

Magoulas said becoming chief executive at Boulevard, which now sells its beer in 23 states from Massachusetts to Oregon, and the District of Columbia, is the capstone of his career

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