Griffin Claw Brewing Breaks Ground In Birmingham, MI


Make that THREE new brewery announcements just today!  Up next we have the ground breaking for Griffin Claw Brewing Co in Birmingham, MI.  The brewery will be located on Eton St & it is owned by Bonnie LePage wife of Big Rock owner Normal LaPage.  Details from the BirminghamPatch:

The dirt flew Thursday afternoon during the official groundbreaking for the Griffin Claw Brewing Co., the latest brainchild from Norman and Bonnie LePage, owners of the Big Rock Chop House and The Reserve.

The brewery, which will be located at 563 and 575 S. Eton St., is officially owned by Bonnie LePage and Mary Nicholson. The nearly 12,000-square-foot space will comprise of a brewery and adjoining tasting room as well as a restaurant with an outdoor beer garden.

The brewing company will also be the new home for Big Rock's award-winning beer and the restaurant's brewmaster, Dan Rogers, who will oversee all the brewing, distributing and operations for the facility.

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