Labatts Replaced by Amsterdam Brewery and Muskoka Brewery for IndyCar Sponsorship


Interesting Labatts vs Craft details from TheStar:

The annual IndyCar race announced Thursday that Toronto-based Amsterdam Brewery and Muskoka Brewery had signed on as sponsors, replacing Labatt, whose three-year deal as beer sponsor ended last summer. Labatt is owned by international brewing giant Anheuser-Busch InBev. Muskoka and Amsterdam will be the only beer served on the downtown Toronto site of the race. Electronics giant Sony and tech retailer CDW also signed on this year.

“We had discussions with Labatt about renewing, but those conversations were going a lot more slowly than we liked. We spoke to the craft breweries, and they were very interested,” said Charlie Johnstone, vice-president and general manager of the Toronto Indy.   Full details here.

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