Brooklyn Brewery Shows off Their Cans

This from Dan @ Brooklyn Brewery:

Since 2001, Brooklyn Lager was forced to face the lonely and burdensome ordeal of being the only Brooklyn beer in a can. So last year when we introduced canned Summer Ale, our flagship beer was over the moon! We can only attempt to fathom the extent of Lager’s soaring emotions with the arrival of our latest addition to the Brooklyn can line: East India Pale Ale. ”Whoever said ‘three’s a crowd’ has obviously not tried EIPA,” an exuberant canned Lager told Brooklyn Bloggery in the Tasting Room over the weekend.

East India Pale Ale has been treating us quite well in bottles and kegs, and no offense to our dear friend Summer Ale, but with a full can trio the coming season promises to be even brighter this year… and also impervious to oxidation from light, lighter to carry home from the store (and to the beach) and easier to dispose in an environmentally-sound manner

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