More Photos & Details From Flooded Chatoe Rogue Hop Farm

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We brought you the news of the flooding at Chatoe Rogue hop farm…so I thought you’d want to see some additional photos & details courtesy of Rogue’s crop report.

The Micro Hopyard was declared a disaster area in January as the rising waters of the Willamette River left us stranded for over a week. The big winter storms that hit Western Oregon last month dumped so much rain and snow that the river rose more than 20 feet in only three days.

Natascha, Josh, Sully, the Free Range Chicks, Turkeys and Potbellied pigs hunkered down on the only patch of dry land. Help came like it always does in farm country - from our neighbors. The Kirk family showed up in one of their big trucks and gave Natascha a lift to the grocery store so she could stock up on supplies. But otherwise Natascha and Josh refused offers to evacuate. It just didn't feel right to leave behind the Hopyard animals.

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