WILK Friday BeerBuzz–4 Nov 2011 Woodchuck Cider w/Bret Williams

WILKFridayBerbuzz10There’s something amazing that happens when you talk to a guest that loves what they do.  That energy, passion & enthusiasm for their “product” shines through and makes for a really great conversation.  Today we were lucky enough to have such a guest on the show.  Bret Williams, President & CEO of Woodchuck Cider joined us on the Friday BeerBuzz to sample not only a classic cider, but also some really interesting NEW ciders.

imageNow I know what you’re thinking already….hey…we’re a beer show right…then why are we talking about cider?  Well the answer is simple.  We like cider…and so do many others. 

Anyone that remembers our Gluten-free show back in March, will also know we’ve featured a cider or two already. 

Cider is also a not-too-distant-cousin to beer and in fact, Woodchuck  802 Cider was originally created to appeal to beer lovers and even won the People’s Choice Award at the Albany BEER Festival…so why not enjoy a good cider on the show. 

It was really fun tasting Woodchuck Amber with Bret.  This classic amber cider (their flagship) is easy drinking, and has a strong family resemblance to some of the beers we’ve tasted on the show in the past.  It’s a classic cider you should try for yourself.  The Woodchuck Winter seasonal cider was dark, complex and rich, with notes of oak and some very subtle spice-like & vanilla flavors.  This one is a limited release so do not delay…get out and try some now before it’s all gone.  By far my favorite cider of the day was the brand spanking new Woodchuck Crisp.  This new addition to Woodchuck’s core ciders is their first sessionable cider and as Bret said, we believe this is the first ever “session cider” but don’t let that fool you.  Crisp is a clean easy-drinking, flavorful cider with lots of body and a really drinkable flavor.

We had a great time talking Cider with Bret and I really learned a lot about what goes in to making a good cider.  Bret Williams is a wonderful spokesman for Woodchuck and I can’t wait to try the rest of their cider varieties.


to Bret Williams from Woodchuck Cider, John, Joe, & Bosco for yet another fun Friday.

The Friday BeerBuzz…bringing good beers and good people together.

As always you can check out the video on-line at the WILK Friday BeerBuzz page by clicking HERE

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for mybeerbuzz.com. Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 mybeerbuzz.com All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

46 comments (click to read or post):

  1. Ever find yourself in the mood for some Woodchuck? Cider I mean, not, like, a sandwich. Woodchuck Cider! It's the quintessential cider. I can't think of another by name.

    That said, enjoyed going a little bit off the beer path on the Friday BeerBuzz this morning!

    Thanks to Bret Williams, President & CEO of Woodchuck for joining us. And thanks for making Woodchuck Cider, great year round and PERFECT this time of year.

    Thanks too, as always, to Bill from MyBeerBuzz.com for making the FBB happen week in and week out.

    And thank you for listening to The Friday BeerBuzz on WILK!


  2. Great show guys. I was wondering when you'd take care of your Gluten-intollerant listeners and feature another Cider. Leave it to the Friday Beer Buzz to launch a great Cider who. Thanks for highlighting the new Crisp, that was very cool.

    Arty J (Taylor, PA)

  3. I love Woodchuck Amber and we have it in the house all the time. It's a great cider, my wife loves it anbd we always serve it at partys. Cheers Marty

  4. I love the show and I love you you guys always manage to be the first to feature new beers (and ciders). Thanks for featuring a new Cider from Woodchuck. I'll be watching for Crisp and I cannot wait to try Winter. Your description makes me want to build a fire and enjoy a Woodchuck Winter. Amy

  5. I'm a big fan of craft beer, but I do enjoy a great cider too. Brett was a good guest and why am I not surprise dthat WILK rolls out a cider that is on the show befor eit's even out. Great choice of guests and ciders Bil.
    Chris K (Dallas)

  6. You guys are the best in beer and I'm not surprised you do the best job with Cider as well. I can't wait to try Winter & Crisp too. George K (Moosic)

  7. Thanks John and thanks everyone. We loved featuing a Cider and what better way to do it than to launch a New Cider, a flagship Cider and an upcoming seasonal Cider from Woodchuck.,..and have President & CEO of Woodchuck Hard Ciders Bret Williams join us on the show. Thanks Bret! and a BIG thank you to Nate Formalarie from Woodchuck for helping us work out today's show and for sending up some great Woodchuck swag.

  8. I love the Friday Cider Buzz! Thank you for bringin the CEO of my favorite cider on the air. The only drawback is that I have to go buy come Woodchuck now. My husband won't forgive me if I don;t being home some Amber. Amy

  9. I've never been a lover of cider but your description of WInter has me hooked. I plan to get some as soon as it comes out and try it. Thanks buzzers!


  10. Another great gues on the Friday Beer Buzz. WILK has such a great show here and we love it. Bret was fun to listen to and I learned a lot I never knew about Cider. Cheers Bret! I'm anxious to try your WInter seasonal too. Jerry K

  11. Cheers guys. Great show. See you Saturday @ Breaker Brewing. Dave

  12. I'm a Woodchuck 802 drinker. Thanks for featuing them on the beer buzz. They make some great cider and 802 is a lot like a beer. Art

  13. I'm not a cider drinker and I was surprised to hear one on the beer buzz. It's about BEER right? I am curious to try Winter so I'll give you that. Arman

  14. Thanks Arman. Yes we typically feature beer, but we always ask people to keep an open mind when they try any of our beverages. Try Woodchuck WInter and let us know what you think.

  15. Try it Arman. I had Winter last year and I love great beer, but it was really good. Chris

  16. Don't let the fact that this is a cider fool you. These are great drinks and you should try them. Especially Winter.


  17. Loved the show. I think I just picked out my drink for tonight, Woodchuck! Karen K

  18. Interesting choice of beer today. I'll definitely try it. Eric

  19. I'm gluten free so I thank you all for showcasing one of my favorite ciders. I love the show but I can't drink beer. Say what you want but this was a big show for me. You have a fan forever Mr Williams and a listener for life WILK. Cheers Daniel

  20. I agree with Dan. I haven't been able to drink a beer in 15-years thanks to my gluten intollerance. Woodchuck has been a godsend to me. I cannot tell you guys how cool it was to hear Bret Williams today. I'm a Woodchuck drinker and have three cases in my basement now. I guess I neve thought I'd get to see you guys feature my favorite drink. I'll be watching for Crisp as my lawnmower drink and I love WINter so I can't wait. Gary (Wilkes-Barre, PA)

  21. Thanks for your continued education of great craft products--well done Bil!

    I especially wanted to thank Joe and Kevin Krugel for turning me on to your show.

    Great Woodchuck interview today; thanks Bret!


  22. Thanks guys. I do think it's important to support our gluten-free listeners, and Bret was a great guest to highlight some tasty Woodchuck cder.

  23. Great show buzzers. I love woodchuck too.

  24. I don't like apples and I even like Woodchuck Winter. Great catch for WILK to get their CEO on the phone. Cheers to that. Randy

  25. You guys have consistently shown that you know your beers, and I think today demonstrates that you all know cider too. Of course I wasn't too surprised that you launched a new cider on the show and had the CEO of Woodchuck on :) great show WILK. James

    PS Cheers to Bret Williams too!

  26. I don't really like most ciders. I haven't liked anything I've tasted so far. To be fair and because I enjoyed the show I plan to try the Winter Cider.

  27. Cheers to Woodchuck for being the first to market a "sessionable" cider, and no surprise that the beer buzz premiers it. Great show, great guest and great ciders too. Aaron James

  28. I like cider and I'm not sure why some beer guys take offense to it. Thanks for bringing on Woodchuck & Brett. TT

  29. I had an Amber for lunch and really enjoyed it. I'm an IPA lover so it's not at all that sort of drink but it was good, and I'll bet the Winter is even better. Cheers to Brett


  30. I think ciders have alot in common with beer and I like Woodchuck. I had Winter last year and it's my favorite too. Thanks Bil

  31. Thanks everyone. I think cider & beer do have a lot in common, in fact one of Woodchuck's ciders called 802 was actualy brewed to appeal to beer lovers (and it won the people's choice award at the Albany Beer festival the year they created it). Keep in mind you can try Woodchuck Amber, Granny Smith, 802 & Fall TONIGHT @ Krugel's Georgetown Deli from 5-7PM.

  32. Heading to Krugels in an hor or so. Can't wait to try it. Sandy

  33. I haven't missed a beer buzz show yet on WILK. I don't like most ciders and yes I'll give Winter a try, but I commend you guys for showing us it's not all beer out there and that there are people who can't enjoy a beer for health/gluten reasons and we should take care of them too. I know how excited I was to hear Mitch Steele from Stone on your show so I can only imagine how a Woodchuck lover felt today. Cheers to the best beer show out there. Manny

  34. Well said Manny. We should also keep in mind that Woodchuck ciders are just plain good whether you are gluten intollerant or not. Jim K

  35. I plan to try Amber and 802 tonight @ Georgetown and maybe take some home too. You guys had me when you talked about sitting around the fire today.

  36. Agreed Jim K!

  37. The Woodchuck Amber is a classic and their best seller, the brand spanking new Woodchuck Crisp was lighter bodied and refreshing with great flavor, and Woodchuck WInter was my favorite....complex with notes of oak & vanilla with just a touch of spice. Try these for yourself...you will enjoy them

  38. Big fan of the show. See you tomorrow at Breaker Brewing and thanks for featuring a cider. My wife and I regularly buy Woodchuck Amber.

  39. I love Woodchuck Winter and it was great to hear that Winter is Brett's favorite too.

  40. Where did they get the name Woodchuck from? I was hoping you'd ask Bret. Michael

  41. Michael...the parent company is Vermont Hard Ciders and according to the woodchuck.com website the name "woodchuck" is a nickname that refers to the "vermontiest of vermonters!"

  42. Sorry for the delay on commenting today. I was out of town but I managed to watch the show vidoe. Great stuff once again. Chris

  43. Love the Beer Buzz! You realize now I have to try Woodchuck Winter! Alan

  44. Cheers to WILK for bringing us a great show again.

  45. Woodchuck is idea fine cider - I've had it on draft @ home and loved it. My current handle is Doc's Draft Framboise cider (from NY) which is also tasty.


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