Bavarian Barbarian Gothika & Philly Press Releases

BavarianBarbarianLogo We really enjoyed having Mike Hiller from Bavarian Barbarian on the Friday BeerBuzz a few months ago and we were honored that he chose to announce his new co-brew with Terry Hawbaker on our show.  Mike is now announcing Gothika in a press release AND announcing his moves in into the Philly market.  Exciting news Mike!


SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES Two Williamsport Brewers Create Unholy Collaboration WILLIAMSPORT, PA – Two Williamsport brewers have collaborated on a brewing project that invokes hell itself. Terry Hawbaker of Bullfrog Brewery and Mike Hiller from Bavarian Barbarian have created a 9% ABV beer of demonic proportions. What started out as a simple black lager, or schwarzbier, quickly grew into a Gothic nightmare. As if swept away by shadowy inspirations, the two tragic brewers combined the darkest of Bavarian brewing traditions with an American devil-may-care attitude. First came the darkness of a Bavarian schwarzbier, but unsatisfied by the meager alcohol content Hawbaker and Hiller decided to increase its potency to that of a German dopplebock beer. Still not quite content with a mere strong black lager, the two soon agreed that the beer should have a smoky character and conspired to add smoked malts to the hefty brew. The mark of the beast was indelibly scribed upon the liquid shadow when the final gravity was recorded at 6.66º Plato. Obviously overtaken by the dark spirit that unquenchably thirsts for more, Brewer Hawbaker got his wringing hands upon a shipment of bourbon barrels from Kentucky’s Buffalo Trace Distillery and the two evil-doers have lagered the already sinful concoction within those same recently emptied oak barrels. The name of this libation of doom is Gothika, and it will be released, upon the Master’s bidding, sometime in mid-October. It will be available on draft only, poured from spiked tap handles so as to inflict harm and bloodshed upon anyone who dares to pull a pint of Lucifer’s own. The owners of Bullfrog Brewery and Bavarian Barbarian Brewing Company have taken out additional insurance policies to permanently institutionalize anyone who goes criminally mad from drinking Gothika. A strict warning has been issued jointly by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau and The Surgeon General of the United States warning that drinking Gothika may lead to permanent, homicidal insanity. As if the apparently evil beer is not enough, there are rumors that the demonic duo are conspiring to hold a Satanic Black Mass to celebrate the release of the monster Gothika upon the peaceful and unsuspecting masses of Pennsylvania.

BARBARIAN INVASION OF PHILADELPHIA UNDERWAY Williamsport Brewery Begins Distribution in the Big City WILLIAMSPORT, PA – Building on successful distribution in the counties surrounding Philadelphia, Bavarian Barbarian Brewing Company recently began distribution in the city itself. Contracting with Philadelphia’s own wholesale powerhouse, Bella Vista Beer Distributors, the Barbarian’s 2x4 India Pale Ale and Hammerin’ Ale have already hit the city market and will soon be followed by Headbangerz Brown Ale and Steel Drivin’ Stout. After tremendous success working with Gretz Beer Company in Bucks, Berks, Montgomery and Delaware Counties, the Bavarian Barbarian’s founder and brewer, Mike Hiller, decided that the next logical step was to invade the Philadelphia market. After several weeks of researching wholesalers and the craft beer market in Philadelphia, Mike found that Bella Vista would make the best wholesale partner for the Barbarian. In fact, Bella Vista sold out of the first shipment of Barbarian beers within days of its delivery. A big part of the decision to begin pushing into the city came from the very positive response of Philadelphians at various beer festivals, including the Philly Beer Week Opening Tap event. For more information on Bavarian Barbarian Brewing Company, please visit their website at or call 570-322-5050.

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