Local Brewing History – Reichard & Weaver

LocalbrewingReichard_&_Weaver_Centennial_Button Today we feature a great centennial button from Reichard & Weaver Brewery in Wilkes-Barre, PA courtesy of Sam K.

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2 comments (click to read or post):

  1. Darel Matthews18 July, 2010 11:27

    Not sure if anyone knew this or not, but the old R&W bottling house is still on Water Street right between the courthouse annex and the prison. There's an old brick building about 3 stories and if you look near the top it says "Reichard and Weaver Bottling House". I assume the brewery was further up the hill, not sure if anything still remains b/c I think it's private property

  2. Cool Darel...I'll have to take a look.


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