Troegs Scratch # 31 Citra of Brotherly Love

TroegsScratch From Ed:

Before getting into a description of Scratch 31, we offer a public service announcement from the Troegs brewers:

Beer held at a constant temperature and pressure will absorb a set amount of carbonation. As temperature goes down, it will absorb more, up and it can’t hold as much. So, what happens if a slightly carbonated beer is put in to a sealed barrel and the temperature hits 90+ F?
Scroll down to physics lesson.

As for the beer:
Scratch #31 – IPA
“Our Philly Beer Week Special”
O.G.:               17.8
IBU:                70
ABV:               7.4%
Malt:               Pils, Munich, Caramel
Yeast:             House Ale Yeast
Hops:              Apollo, Citra, Chinook
Dry-hopped: Citra, Cascade
Codename:    Citra of Brotherly Love
For Scratch 31, the brothers and the brewers decided to revisit one of our favorite sweet spots – IPA – and have some fun with hop flavors. Dubbed ‘Citra of Brotherly Love’ in honor of Philly Beer week, Scratch #31 has generous amounts of Apollo, Cascade and Citra hops. This is our first use of Citra hops, which is known for an intense grapefruit aroma and flavor.

While showcasing the intense Citra flavor we added additional bitterness with Apollo and Chinook hops as well. Scratch #31 went through a bed of Chinook hops in the hopback and was dry-hopped with Cascade and Citra hops.

Scratch #31 will be showcased at events throughout Philly Beer Week. Also, be on the lookout for Scratch #31 in firkins and pins, which were aged in new wine barrels for about a week before kegging.

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Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

2 comments (click to read or post):

  1. I had this at the Grace Tavern in Philly on Saturday. A great IPA

  2. Cool...yea I'm anxious to try it. So how was it compared to their other beers?


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