Connection Speeds – mybeerbuzz 2

windows1 I’ve recently heard from a valued mybeerbuzz reader who’s having some trouble loading the new mybeerbuzz 2 page. While I did design the page to be flexible enough to work well on various operating systems, various web browsers and even various graphics settings; this reader is still running a low-speed dial-up network connection. Because of this connection speed, some of the page elements are loading very slowly for him. I have tested the page to see how it loads on slower wireless connections and even some slow cell phone connections and I’m not experiencing the same problems. While the complexity and new features of the page do make it slower than the original page, the load times still seem acceptable to me.

In an effort to gain some more real-world testing, please DO comment or e-Mail and let me know if you are having any issues loading the new pages, and which elements on the page seem to load slowly. mybeerbuzz 2 is still a work in progress so I will be fine tuning as the need arises.

Keep in mind we do RSS feed all of our posts and comments for anyone that would prefer to simply read the posts/comments in their RSS feed reader (See RSS feed links on

It’s a delicate balance to add new functionality and new options to help our readers interact and participate with mybeerbuzz, while still balancing the needs or users with slower connections. We remain committed to serving all of our readers in a way that works well for everyone.

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

9 comments (click to read or post):

  1. No low speed connection here. The page loads just fine for me on regular DSL. Sometimes you can't save people with slower connections. Think how many pages they can't view anyway.

  2. On my connection the page loads just fine. It might be slighty slower but only by a few seconds which I'm OK with. I have comcast internet and you load way faster than BA does! At some point there won't be any slow dial-up connections out there. In the mean time I'm not sure how you take care of them. Slow is and will always be slow.

  3. Your page loads just fine especially with all the new great content. Congratulations on breaking 70,000 hits! Many new pages on the internet require at least a DSL connection type. Some sites offer a text-only site but I'm not sure how.

  4. Thanks everyone. I just noticed myself the 70K hits mark. I DO want to keep even users with slow connections active if I can and I am investigating a light or text-only version of mybeerbuzz. Keep in mind though that I do this all for free and all out-of-pocket. I don't necessarily have the resources (time and money) to maintain two sites. Also and perhaps more important...keep in mind that many search engines and free web space providers frown upon duplicate blogs. Apparetly it is a common practice among SPAMmers and Google will even disable most duplicate you see there aren't a lot of alternatives on that path. Just think of the confusion and work involved updating 2 blogs, and trying to manage and merge comments relative to the same blog post left on two different blogs =[

    I'm committed to making it work for everyone, just not sure I can.

  5. One thing I do notice is that the site is very CPU intensive. Monitor using top, task manager, etc (depending on your OS) and CPU usage for the browser process goes way up. Close the mybeerbuzz tab and things return to normal.

  6. Thanks Anon....there are some active elements that periodically reach-out to the web for updates so that may explain it. I'm not seeing that sort of activity on the two WIndows 7 machines and one XP machine I'm running but these are fairly stout machines. It's a tricky balance to use the free resources I'm using and still balance performance. Thanks for helping and please DO report back with anything else you find.

  7. All better now, thanks to a minor MBB tweak, and YES, it's ME! ME living in the dark ages, ME waiting all of 12 seconds for a page to load, ME who can't watch YouTube in short order! Oh, the horror, the abject shame!

    Is the MBB pillory ready?

  8. Welcome Back Sam K! We missed you...

  9. Didn't last long, though. Thanks for the focused help, from here in the bowels of antiquity!


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