PCNTV Tours – Lion Brewery

MBAALionNov2008 019 I’ve just heard from Leo, according to PCN the PNC Tours @ Lion Brewery will air on Sunday Dec 13th at 8PM.  Whether you’ve been lucky enough to tour the Lion Brewery or not, this should be a great program to watch.  Thanks Leo.

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4 comments (click to read or post):

  1. I'm kind of curious what's up with this myself - looking into the future schedules it's not listed anywhere. Maybe they've decided we're good enough for our own show - "Survivor - Lion Brewery".

    Any PCN reps in Beerbuzzland?

  2. Looking forward to seeing this, would be nice to watch it while drinking a Liebotschaner cream ale, both promised goodies I am waiting for.

  3. I just communicated with PCN and the tour will air on Sunday, December 13th at 8 pm.


  4. Excellent...Thanks Leo I'll update the post and the NEPA Beer Calendar


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