Posted: April 25Updated: Today at 3:50 AM
Staff Writer
WILKES-BARRE – Beer enthusiast Denise Mengak’s first choice was the blond ale.
“It’s a light beer that is excellent for the summer,” said Mengak, 48, who enjoyed the smooth, home-brewed Goldies Blond Ale, one of Breaker Brewing Co.’s premier beers sampled at Elmer Sudds on Friday.
WILKES-BARRE – Beer enthusiast Denise Mengak’s first choice was the blond ale.
“It’s a light beer that is excellent for the summer,” said Mengak, 48, who enjoyed the smooth, home-brewed Goldies Blond Ale, one of Breaker Brewing Co.’s premier beers sampled at Elmer Sudds on Friday.
“There’s a little hint of citrus on your palate – so it’s not something heavy that’s going to weigh you down,” said Mengak, a fan of Belgian-style beer.
Brewery owners Chris Miller, 35, of Plains Township, and Mark Lehman, 37, of Hanover Township, made their brews available for tasting at its second-debut at the corner bar in Wilkes-Barre.
About a couple dozen people filled the bar early in the evening. Another 150 or more people were expected to attend.
“We seem to have a pretty good local following of people,” said Miller, who was drinking Olde King Coal Stout, an oatmeal stout similar to Guinness.
Mengak finished the blonde ale before moving onto Malty Maguire, a deep-red ale.
Her husband, Paul, 51, a member of Northeastern Pennsylvania’s Beer Club, was more of a traditional hops beer drinker.
The Nanticoke couple learned about the local brewery through a Web site, Beeradvocate.com.
“I believe that craft-brewed beer has become such a big thing in the last 10 years,” said Paul, who was enjoyed the malt and smooth hop bitterness of Anthracite Ale, one of the most-popular brews.
The Anthracite is an amber ale, which falls between a pale ale and an India pale ale, he said.
The brewery officially launched its home-brewed beers – Anthracite Ale, Malty McGuire, Olde King Cole Stout and Goldies Blond Ale – on Thursday at Kelsey’s Bar and Restaurant, Main Street, in Ashley.
Thursday’s premier pour attracted hundreds of beer enthusiasts, Miller said.
The local brews are expected to be on tap at Kelsey’s and Elmer Sudds as well as other known beer venues throughout the Wyoming Valley.
“It’s good to bring a lot of people together and celebrate beer,” said bar owner, John Yencha, 34, who has known Miller since the age of 5.
Since 1992, past and current owners of the small tavern have been dedicated to serving patrons with the best kind of beer around, according to Yencha, who said that’s why the local brewery chose to premier their brews at Elmer Sudds.
Yencha said they get that right kind of beer brings in the right kind of crowd.
“There’s not problem with Miller Light. Everybody loves it. It’s our No. 1 seller. But, sometimes, people want the best and we try to get the best,” Yencha said of his beer bar.
For more information about Breaker Brewer Co., visit Breakerbrewingcompany.com.
Check out mybeerbuzz.com for details on NEPA’s home craft beer scene.
I've had a few people submit beer reviews for the Breaker Brewing Co beers. Even though most are very positive....I simply don't do beer reviews. There are plenty of sites that do and, as anyone that has followed my blog from the beginning knows...I completely disagree with on-line beer reviews. I think they are completely subjective and they don't help anyone....for me it's like debating what's the best pizza...you may love it and I may hate it...or I may love a beer and you may not. Beers are for drinking, not reviewing.
ReplyDeleteJust a follow up or two... on some of the comments I've received.
ReplyDeleteAgain...I post no beer reviews on mybeerbuzz...good or bad. I don't believe in them and I don't think they help anyone involved. I also don't think debating "taste" makes any sense. It's subjective, plain and simple. Yes I have said I enjoy certain beers....this is certainly not a review in any way. I honestly don't think anyone should care what beers I like any more than what beers anyone else likes.
Yes I've had almost completely positive beer reviews sent in and yes I choose not to post them as well. You can taste for yourself and decide for yourself.
I have no problem with debate or "back and forth" in my comments....we do it all the time...but I refuse to discuss the review of a beer or what is the "best" beer as part of your comments.
The opinions expressed by myself were my own and those of many of the others at Sudds last Friday. We really had a great time and really enjoyed the beers. I do this site for fun and not for profit...I promote local beers and local beer establishments purely for the love of the beer.
One last item....I love comments and contributions (except of course beer-reviews). PLEASE realize that I have no ability to reply to an anonymous comment other than what you see here.
My e-Mail address is mybeerbuzz@gmail.com and I'm happy to discuss anything anytime. Feel free to e-Mail me your questions and comments and I'll be happy to reply, debate or even discuss my policy on reviewing beers.
Everyone has their own opinion...some may love a beer, some may not. Declaring your own opinion to be correct, and the opinions of others to be incorrect, accomplishes zippo...
Beers are for drinking, not reviewing...
Here's the link to one of my original "review" discussions....
Perhaps it is time to re-open the debate.