Bells Hopslam hits NEPA

I've just heard from Lindo @ Sabatini's and he tells me he will be tapping one of the few kegs of Bell's Hopslam to make it to NEPA (Shangey's only had 8) on Friday 1/23. Sabatini's will also have bottles of Hopslam.

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Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

7 comments (click to read or post):

  1. looks like we may need to do a little barhopping Friday night in order to get some of that Hopslam!

  2. And we'll be in the neighborhood...

  3. Had it on draught in harrisburg at shady mcgrady's and enjoyed.

  4. Not that it isn't good, I'm sure it is. But, when I see stuff like this, I think, we have Nugget Nectar which is made practically in our own backyard, and we can get way more of it. What's the huge deal?

  5. I guess for me the easy answer is "we'll see after I get a chance to try it" but I suspec the real answer is the rarity of the beer and the attention it gets. You know how much Nugget I have already so I'd say why not both if it's as good. I've been hearing a $60 per case price so I'll agree that for that price it needs to be good.

  6. Nothing beats Nugget Nectar in my book, but Hopslam is very good. It's hoppier and more bitter than NN because it's a DIPA, and it's also brewed with honey so it has a different sweetness than a lot of DIPAs. I've had it in bottles and may or may not pick some up this year, but I'd definitely like to try it on draft.

  7. I might be coming back to nepa in march during spring break or in may and can bring some back if anyone is interested. I go to Purdue in Indiana and have access to a few good beer's including Hopslam, double trouble dreadnaught and a slew of others. I'm up for trading, especially for the nugget nectar since I haven't had it.


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