Chip the Beer Guy Rock 107 - 2-year Anniversary Show

The big extravaganza 2-year Chip the Beer Guy anniversary is underway. I will report more later on the show, but I wanted to pass on that for those trying to tune in at work, the full show is being broadcast LIVE with audio and video. Click HERE to watch/listen.

Show Update: It's been an entertaining morning on Rock 107, although I admit I wish the 4-hour show started a little later on my day-off. Despite the early hour, I did manage to tune into much of the show. Lots of interesting beers, food, guests (Leo Orlandini, Jim Koch, Florian Kuplent, John Francis...) and frivolity, and lots of funny comments. Rather than doing a play-by-play I thought I'd post about my favorite parts of the show and some of my favorite quotes.

I always love hearing Jim Koch from Sam Adams and today was no exception. With a gift of Sam Adams Utopias (52-proof tripel bock), Jim was funny as every, I liked Jim's fathers quote about how he drinks beer and doesn't gain weight, "There's food in beer but no beer in food...what do you need all that food for." My favorite Jim-ism and perhaps one of the better quotes of the day was , "Being the largest craft brewer is like being the tallest pygmy."

I do have a minor criticism of today's show. This was sort of an oops-moment on the show. After saying goodbye to John Francis of Lancaster Brewing, there was a small in perceivable gap after John's last words before the "Shut your festering gob" Monty Python sound clip played. On the air it sounded like it was directed at John....oops!

I thought I'd follow along today with pictures and since a single picture can speak a thousand words here are two thousand words. The first is a little photo I like to call "Is that sunburn or are you just happy to be drinking all morning?" Next, and perhaps my favorite, I like to call "What Chip does during the break." That's not a microphone he's tipping back.

The highlight of the show for me was our own mybeerbuzz members like Purvs, Lion Brewing, Victory and One Guy Brewing getting their much deserved publicity. Congratulations guys !

I debated most of the morning what my favorite quote would be. With 4-hours of listening it was not easy. I made my decision based on the belly laugh meter. I liked the Stone Brewing quote of, "The beer isn't too expensive, you're too cheap", I also liked Webster's quote that it "smelled so much better in the studio than the normal funeral home air freshener scent", but I genuinely laughed at a quote I suspect was not intended to be funny. In talking about fine meats marinated in beer, Chip said "This burger is so filling it's like a 1-burger meal." I found myself asking....wait who's eating a 2-burger meal?

Congratulations Chip on 2-years of brews and thanks to Daniels, Webster and all of the Rock 107 guys....very funny and a great show....Cheers!!

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

3 comments (click to read or post):

  1. Funny show and funny commentary on mybeerbuzz as usual. How do you guys do it. As much as I loved listening the show, I literally ran to your blog to read your write-up as soon as the show was over. Also very exciting to see you had actually updated your post throughout the show...Thanks and tell Chip we said thanks for 2 years!

  2. A good writeup, but sadly, no mention of the ever-effervescent (even at 7:20am) Tracy, the Victory rep.

  3. Sorry for the omission....I wasn't able to catch Tracy's last name so I only included Victory in general terms and not by mistake.


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