Terrapin Creates IPA Survival Kit w/Krunkles Down Under Cans

imageFrom Terrapin:

Finally, a survival kit for any situation imaginable! Terrapin Beer Co. has created the ultimate IPA Survival Kit to sustain the hopheadiest of both backyard and backwoods adventurers. With four IPAs included, the IPA Survival Kit contains all the tools needed for a craft beer lover to be prepared for anything.

The IPA Survival Kit contains all three of Terrapin’s year-round IPAs: RecreationAle, HI-5, and top-seller Hopsecutioner. Rounding out a solid set of gear is the kit-exclusive Krunkles Down Under, a South Pacific IPA brewed with nine hops from Australia and New Zealand. The recipe for Krunkles Down Under was discovered recently by a Terrapin explorer and is rumored to have been developed by intrepid hop hunter and legendary brewer Krunkles.

Terrapin is no stranger to the legend of Krunkles. A man of mystery and artful dodger of any relationship that could jeopardize his true identity, Krunkles’ existence has never been verified. However, artifact after artifact and clue upon clue has Terrapin convinced they’re just one step behind him. The recovery of the Krunkles Down Under recipe is just another piece of proof that keeps them hot on Krunkles’ trail.

The IPA Survival Kit includes three each of:

  • RecreationAle Session IPA:  4.7% ABV, 42 IBU
  • HI-5 California-style IPA: 5.9% ABV, 80 IBU
  • Hopsecutioner IPA: 7.3% ABV, 71 IBU
  • Krunkles Down Under South Pacific IPA: 6.5% ABV, 80 IBU

Krunkles Down Under is available exclusively in the IPA Survival Kit!

Terrapin’s IPA Survival Kit is packaged as a variety 12-pack of 12 oz. cans and is shipping now to the brewery’s full distribution footprint. Look for it on a shelf near you soon!

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